The K2 (2016)

    Drama Profile: Title: The K2 Episodes: 16 Aired: Original Network: Also known as: Genre: Action | Melodrama | Politics Written by: Directed by: Main Cast: Ji Chang-wook, Im Yoon-ah, Song Yoon-ah, Jo Sung-ha Synopsis: A fugitive searches for justice. Kim Je Ha (Ji Chang Wook) is a former mercenary soldier known as “K2” who suddenly turns into a fugitive when he is wrongfully accused of killing his girlfriend while he is serving in Iraq. He finds his way back to Korea and gets a job as a bodyguard for Choi Yoo Jin (Song Yoon Ah), the owner of JSS Security…


    Memorist (2020)

    I always wondered… whether the media was garbage because of society, or if society is what it is because of the media. Thanks for enlightening me. – Han Sun-mi Memorist Synopsis : With the power to read people’s memories, Dong Baek solves crimes as a detective in the police force. When a string of serial murders happen, Dong Baek teams up with talented criminal profiler Han Sun-mi to stop the killer and prevent further deaths. However, as they pursue the killer, the truth about their individual troubled pasts begins to unravel, and the murders quickly become far more convoluted than…