Sungkyunkwan Scandal (2010)

    In this world, nobody can choose his parents or be born the way he wants. The only thing that we can choose is just one thing –  “Today how I am going to live it” – is the only thing! – Seonjun “Sungkyunkwan Scandal” which follows a smart young woman through her adventures as a student at the most elite educational institution in Joseon. As if maintaining her disguise weren’t difficult enough (girls were not allowed to be educated), she must do it while navigating the her boisterous male classmates and dealing with her romantic feelings for one in particular.…


    Queen for Seven Days (2017)

    When you’re frustrated or angry, do not keep it to yourself. Throw them all you want. – Lee Yeok Queen for Seven Days Synopsis : Based on the tragic Joseon legend, this drama is about the love story between King Jung Jong and his Queen Dan Kyung, who was crowned and deposed within the span of a week due to rival political factions that controlled the king’s rule. According to historical legend, after the queen was dethroned and removed from the palace, the king would walk to the outside royal pavilion every day and sigh as he gazed at a…


    Healer (2014)

    Sometimes I feel like everything is hopeless & gloomy. But even though its hopeless I have faith. Faith that your dreams will come true if you never give up. And if it’s meant to be, you’ll meet them. – Young Shin Healer Synopsis : A decades-old incident involving a group of five friends who ran an illegal pro-democracy broadcasting station during the Fifth Republic in South Korea brings together three different people—an illegal “night courier” with the codename “Healer” (Ji Chang-wook) who possesses top-notch fighting skills, a reporter from a second-rate tabloid news website (Park Min-young), and a famous journalist…