Our Beloved Summer (2021)

    Drama Profile: Title: Our Beloved Summer Episodes: 16 Aired: Original Network: Also known as: Genre: Romantic comedy / Coming-of-age Written by: Directed by: Main Cast: Choi Woo-shik, Kim Da-mi Synopsis: A coming-of-age romantic comedy that revolves around Choi Ung (Choi Woo-shik) and Kook Yeon-soo (Kim Da-mi), ex-lovers who broke up with a promise to never meet again. As luck would have it, the documentary they filmed ten years ago in high school went viral and they are forced to face the cameras together again by their producer friend. The series depicts their complicated feelings and growth. This drama shows what…


    Korean Dramas To Watch in December 2021

    Here are some of the Korean Dramas you might want to add to your December Plan-To-Watch List:   Our Beloved Summer Genre: Romantic comedy; Drama Starring: Choi Woo-shik, Kim Da-mi, Kim Sung-Cheol and Roh Jeong-eui Release Date: December 6, 2021 Network: SBS No. of Episodes: 16 A coming of age romantic comedy that revolves around Choi Ung (Choi Woo-shik) and Kook Yeon-soo (Kim Da-mi), ex-lovers who broke up with a promise to never meet again. As luck would have it, the documentary they filmed ten years ago in high school went viral and they are forced to face the cameras…