The Devil Judge (2021)
Drama Profile: Title: The Devil Judge Episodes: 16 Aired: Original Network: Also known as: Genre: Legal drama, Mystery Written by: Directed by: Main Cast: Ji Sung; Kim Min-jung; Park Jin-young; Park Gyu-young Synopsis: In a dystopian Korea, the nation is in chaos. The people have lost their trust and faith in the justice system and voice their hatred towards their leaders. Within the world where the old justice system faces collapse and gets hit with an unknown epidemic, Head Trial Judge Kang Yo Han, nicknamed “The Devil Judge” due to his merciless rulings but considered a hero among the people,…
Mr. Sunshine (2018)
Words have no power. I will fight with a gun. Drama Profile: Title: Mr. Sunshine Episodes: 24 Aired: Jul 7, 2018 – Sep 30, 2018 Original Network: tvN / Netflix Genre: Historical / Romance / Melodrama Notes: Upon its final broadcast, Mr. Sunshine was the third highest-rated drama in Korean cable television history. The series is the third collaboration between writer Kim Eun-sook and director Lee Eung-bok, after Descendants of the Sun (2016) and Guardian: The Lonely and Great God (2016) The drama marks film actress Kim Tae-ri’s small-screen debut. Main Cast: Lee Byung-hun (IRIS), Kim Tae-ri (Little Forest), Yoo…