A Business Proposal (2022)
Drama Profile: Title: A Business Proposal Episodes: 12 Aired: Original Network: Also known as: Genre: Romantic Comedy Written by: Directed by: Main Cast: Ahn Hyo-seop, Kim Se-jeong, Kim Min-kyu, and Seol In-ah Synopsis: Based on a popular web novel that has been adapted into a webtoon, “A Business Proposal” is a romantic comedy about an office employee who goes on a blind date with her company’s CEO in place of a friend while hiding her identity. Ahn Hyo Seop stars as chaebol heir Kang Tae Moo, who has everything from looks and brains to wealth and business savvy. Kim Sejeong…
So I Married An Anti-Fan (2021)
Drama Profile: Title: So I Married An Anti-Fan Episodes: 16 Aired: Original Network: Also known as: Genre: Romantic Comedy Written by: Directed by: Main Cast: Choi Tae-joon, Choi Soo-young, Hwang Chan-sung, Han Ji-an and Kim Min-kyu Synopsis: Hoo Joon is a top star and Geun Young is a magazine reporter who both attend a club’s opening night. There, Young witnesses Joon’s violent behavior and accidentally vomits on him. Young loses her job and is convinced that Joon has to be behind her firing. She retaliates by demonstrating in front of Joon’s management office, where her picketing eventually garners some media…