The King’s Affection (2021)

    Drama Profile: Title: The King’s Affection Episodes: 20 Aired: Original Network: Also known as: Genre: Historical, Romance, Fiction, Comedy Written by: Directed by: Main Cast: Park Eun-bin, Rowoon, Nam Yoon-su, Choi Byung-chan, Bae Yoon-kyung, and Jung Chae-yeon Synopsis: The story is set during the Joseon Dynasty, at a time when twins were considered an ominous sign. As a result, when the Crown Princess Consort gives birth to twins, an order is sent to kill the daughter. To save her, she is secretly sent out of the palace. A few years later, the twin daughter Dam Yi returns to the palace…


    Korean Dramas To Watch in October 2021

    Here are some of the Korean Dramas you might want to add to your October Plan-To-Watch List:   The All-Round Wife Genre: Drama / Melodrama / Family Starring: Han Da-gam, Han Sang-jin, Shin Seung-hwan, Seo In-seok, and Shim Ji-ho Release Date: October 4, 2021 Network: KBS1 No. of Episodes: 120 (35mins) Story of the TV series revolves around Seo Cho-hee (Han Da-gam) and her husband Kang Nam-goo (Han Sang-jin), who endeavour to raise their standard of life through a house in Gangnam. In the end they get the realisation that it is the people who live in the house bring…